I hate all the shit you barf out of your mouth

Crack head struck again!

Holidays are over and I'm out of cash. Digital stuff has been bummin me out lately so I'm gunna buy some film today and start shooting again.

Brandon wheres those photos?

P.S. This is what happens when you park your moped outside. Crackhead brakes it to smoke crack out of the tip...that dust is a brick.


Anonymous said...

it looked like cheetoe powder at first, alot of it.

tis a fine dew..
a grainular mist..

Anonymous said...

The mist of a thousand weeping ponies...

Anonymous said...

Goodness, you shoulda called the po' on em

Anonymous said...

jerod is old

Anonymous said...

everything imploding--my of recent obsession, along with its predecessor > the-any-naked-situation-needs-to-end-with-the-said-naked-individual-wearing-only one sock. usually the left foot, with the toe area having a inch to two inches of floppy room. give or take

terrydean said...

man, craksmurfs break our shit off in seattle too all the damn time. i hope to catch one in the act one day.